The Basic Buddy® Plus Manikin is dramatic, realistic, affordable, and 2019 AHA Compliant. It enables effective and accurate training by using apps and a sensor kit. The student and instructor apps provide real-time feedback and feature adult capabilities, as well as a realistic interface.
The Basic Buddy® Plus manikin is simple to assemble and maintain. It provides an open airway using the head-tilt/chin-lift method with a visible chest rise when ventilated. It also offers an easy-to-simulate obstructed airway.
The xiphoid process provides an anatomical reference point for hand placement and compressions, and the training data is saved digitally on the phone or tablet. Included is a 5-year warranty on the manikin and a 1-year limited warranty on Basic Buddy® Plus add-on hardware kit.
Available in single manikin or the convenient five-pack. Make your quantity selection by using the drop-down window above.
NOTE: Use only AED training devices. When using foam-bodied manikins for AED training, use only pads designed for foam bodies.
*Student and instructor apps run on Apple® iPhone® devices. Apple® iPad® version apps will be available in February 2019. Android™ version apps will be available in the first half of 2019. (iPad®, Android™, and Apple® tablet/phone not included).
Each Manikin Includes:
- Manikin with head
- Adult foam compression block (for use with manikin only)
- 10 lung/mouth protection bags
- Lung insertion tool (one tool in the 5-pack)
- CPR add-on kit student* and instructor* apps
- Add-on kit