Kyoto Kagaku Vaginal Delivery Assistance Simulator
Life-size pregnant abdomen and pelvic area. Elastic external genitalia and real shape of vaginal canal realize a highly realistic training sessions on the flow of the perineal protection to the delivery of placenta.
- Genital area made og innovative material that excels in elasticity, durability and resilience allowing repetitive training opportunity.
- Anatomically correct vaginal canal, ischial spine and pubic joint that facilitate training with anatomical understanding.
- Elastic external genitalia, realistic shape of vaginal canal and the holding handle for the maternal body facilitate simulating a smooth delivery.
- Delivery assistance for different delivery positions (dorsal, all-fours)
- Perineal protection
- Delivery of fetus ( forceps delivery, vaccuum extraction)
- Clamping, tying and cutting of the umbilical cord
- Delivery of placenta
- Inspection of velamen
- Skills training associated with anatomical understanding.
- Position of the fetus against the pelvis can be observed under direct vision during the delivery
- Model simulates the movement of the fetus during the delivery
- Two possible birth positions: Dorsal position and all-fours position Perineal and sphincter protection
- Delivery assistance
- Smooth delivery of the baby
- Clamping, tying and cutting of the umbilical cord
- Delivery of placenta
- Inspection of Placenta and velamen
- 1 maternal body
- 1 genital unit for pelvic examination and delivery assistance
- 1 fetus
- 1 placenta
- 3 umbilical cords for omphalotomy
- 1 talcum powder
- 5 velamen sheets
- 3 lubricant (150ml)
- 1 vat
- 1 instructional manual
Made in Japan by Kyoto Kagaku.
GTSimulators by Global Technologies
KYOTO KAGAKU Authorized Dealer